Fiberglass vs Carbon Fiber

What’s the difference is between fiberglass and carbon fiber? What are their best applications? Both fiberglass and carbon fiber are well established reinforcement materials. Both are synonymous with extremely high tensile strength within the world of composites but have been historically used for very different applications and have different reputations. Fiberglass has long been thought…

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Markforged releases flame – retardant 3D Printing material Onyx FR

Multi award winning 3D printer OEM Markforged has announced the availability of its new Onyx FR 3D printing nylon, a flame-retardant composite material designed to be used in the aerospace, automotive, and defense industries. The key property of the Onyx FR lies in its self-extinguishing capabilities, allowing it prevent itself from burning, which sets it…

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SLM Solutions 3D prints landmark single piece rocket engine for Orbex

Part of the inaugural unveiling of Orbex’s commercial orbital rocket, Prime, the engine was 3D printed in a single piece, and will be used to deliver small satellites into orbit. The Prime was shown at the opening of the company’s new headquarters in Forres, Scotland, funded by backing from the European Commission Horizon 2020 fund, the UK Space…

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Five Things You Didn’t Know You Could 3D Print

Gone are the days when 3D printers were just for hobbyists or multi-million-dollar companies. From 3D printed robot grippers to 3D printed TV and movie props, here are just some of the inventive parts being printed on Markforged printers. 3D Printed Robot Grippers Sweden-based company Alfdex manufactures crankcase gas separators for the automotive industry. The…

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Worlds first 3D-printed formula student racing engine produced on SLM® Machine

Hun­gar­ian stu­dent team SZEngine has pro­duced the world’s first 3D-printed For­mula Stu­dent rac­ing en­gine using SLM® tech­nol­ogy. All of the main com­po­nents for the 55 hp sin­gle-cylin­der en­gine were pro­duced with the SLM®280 ad­di­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing sys­tem. The pro­ject is part of a co­op­er­a­tion with the Motor Man­u­fac­tur­ing Cen­tre (MAC) of Audi Hun­garia in Győr, Hun­gary. SZEngine…

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